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Beginner Specific Classes
Learning Curve: Learn basic pole movement to include things such as spins, body rolls and other dance movement with the pole
Pole 101 - Intro to Pole: Basic Pole spins and tricks
Frisky Foundation -
Sex & Hair Flips for beginners! If you're new to pole in any way and want to do all the frisky style things. this is the class for you!!!
Attire: Shorts are best, bare foot or pole heels
Please do NOT apply any lotions or oils prior to class and no jewelry
Multi Level Classes
All The Feels: Dance based pole class focus on dance and not to many pole tricks.
Base Work: Class based on utilizing the bottom 1/3 of the pole to include floor/base movement
Pole Strong: Pole conditioning class, learn pole movement while focusing on building strength
Open Pole: Instructor free open studio time. During this time there is no structured class
Shorts are best for all pole classes. Shoes optional, please be sure they are pole specific heels for classes. High socks/knee pads are always nice to have with you.
Intermediate/Advanced Classes
Sex & Hair Flips -
Intermediate Pole Tricks: intermediate level class work on tricks such as superman, extended butterfly, numerous drops and climbs
Advanced Pole Tricks: NOTE: Class requires knowledge of intermediate pole tricks to include shoulder mounts, handsprings, ect
Pole Choreography: Pole choreography class requires knowledge of spins/climbing as well as basic inverting.
Intermediate/Advanced Drop-in: Class can range anywhere from intermediate spin combinations, spin pole, inverted tricks, ect.
Flying Pole: Pole suspended from ceiling only, MUST be int/adv to participate in this class.
If you are unsure that any of these classes are a good fit for you, please email us at
Non Pole Classes
Floorwork: Beginner through advanced class. Be sure to have high socks or knee pads. Shoes are optional.
Active Flexibility; Multi level class. Be mindful of keeping your body warm throughout. Leggings/sweatpants suggested.
Lyra: Multi-level class, Please be advised shorts or bagging clothing are NOT recommended.
Series Courses
Series courses are a 6 week course that provide 6 1 hour classes, always the same day and time. Classes include a full 6 weeks of new tricks and spins along with choreography for levels 1 & 2. We also never share poles during series courses.
Level 1, 2, 3 and 4
To register for any of the classes listed on this page, please click the "schedule" tab here on the site.
For questions email
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